Projects list

At PTM Group, large-scale commercial projects are one of our key specialties. Along with our subcontractors, our team is committed to understanding the client’s needs and implementing the client’s vision on time and within budget. Our comprehensive projects list highlights the diverse portfolio of work we have successfully completed over the last 22 years.

Project NameClientLocationValueCompleted
Homestead Training Camp PrecinctSitzlerBradshawOngoing
Executive Residence Private ClientFannie Bay Residence2024
Custom Office FitoutWilhelmsenTenancy 4/4 Berrimah Road, Berrimah2023
East Alligator Ranger Station UpgradeNational ParksEast Alligator2023
All Centres – HomeBuild NT – Panel Period Contract for the Design, Documentation, Construction, Storage, Delivery and Installation of Prefabricated Dwellings for a period of 12 MonthsNT GovernmentDarwin Region-2022
State Square Carpark RedevelopmentDepartment of Infrastructure, Planning and LogisticsState Square2022
Defence Fuel Installation Extension RAAF Base Darwin NTJones Lang LasSalle (JLL)RAAF Base Darwin, NT-2020
Larrakeyah Defence Precinct Redevelopment Program (LDPRP) – J015 – Decanting Norforce (Stage 1)Laing O'RourkeLarrakeyah Defence Precinct, NT-2020
Austin Lane Enhancement – Construct Pedestrian ConnectionsNT GovernmentDarwin CBD, NT-2020
Demolition, Design & Construction of Two Houses Campbell ACTDefence Housing Australia (DHA)Campbell, ACT-2019
Parap Tavern Renovations – Stage 2 – New Accessible Ablutions, Upgrade existing Ablutions, smokers area and New Accessible Entry RampAustralian Leisure and Hospitality GroupDarwin Region-2019
Ludmilla Primary School – Stage 1NT GovernmentDarwin Region-2019
Cavenagh Street Redevelopment – Stage 2NT GovernmentDarwin Region-2019
Cavenagh Street (Darwin CBD) – Supply, Delivery and Installation of a New Shade StructureNT GovernmentDarwin Region-2018
DHA 80 – Design & Construct 80 Houses RAAF Base DarwinDefence Housing AustraliaDarwin, NT-2017
Greek Hall Darwin – Community Grant Renovations-Darwin CBD, NT-2017
St Marys Football Club – Community Grant RenovationsSt Marys Football ClubMarrara, NT-2017
DHA 50 – Design & Construct 50 Houses RAAF Base TindalDefence Housing AustraliaTindal, NT-2016
DHA 36 – Design & Construct 36 Houses MuirheadDefence Housing AustraliaMuirhead-2016
Executive Residence - LarrakeyahPrivateLarrakeyah4m+2016
DHA 20 – Design & Construct 20 Houses MuirheadDefence Housing AustraliaMuirhead, NT-2016
DHA – Upgrade and Refurbishment of 63 Houses RAAF Base TindalDefence Housing AustraliaTindal, NT-2015
DHA 38 Design and Construct 37 Houses & 1x Duplex MuirheadDefence Housing AustraliaMuirhead-2015
DHA 13 – Design and Construct 13 Houses JohnstonDefence Housing AustraliaJohnston, NT-2015
Larrakeyah Barracks – DHA - 9 Houses UpgradesDefence Housing AustraliaDarwin, NT-2015
Design and Construct Serviced Apartment Building - Quest Apartments PTM Group Pty LtdBerrimah, NT-2014
DHA - Design and Construct 13 Houses ZuccoliDefence Housing AustraliaZuccoli, NT-2014
Design and Construct Upgrade (CBW-937780) - 9 Houses LarrakeyahDefence Housing AustraliaDarwin Region-2014
Design and Construct of The Meat House Restaurant The Meat HouseBerrimah, NT-2014
DHA Design and Construct HO-13-27 20B Houses - MBA Award WinnerDefence Housing AustraliaDarwin Region-2013
Design and Construct DHA HO-13-24 9A Houses MuirheadDefence Housing AustraliaMuirhead, NT-2013
Design and Construct DHA HO-13-97 9 housesDefence Housing AustraliaBellamack, NT-2013
Design and Upgrade 11 Houses - MBA Award WinnerDefence Housing AustraliaLarrakeyah, NT-2013
Design and Construct DHA HO-13-50 14 HousesDefence Housing AustraliaJohnston, NT-2013
Design and Construct DHA HO-13-55 9 HousesDefence Housing AustraliaKatherine, NT-2013
Construction of the North Australian Centre for Oil & Gas, Charles Darwin UniversityCharles Darwin UniversityDarwin, NT-2012
Design and Construct 50 HousesDefence Housing AustraliaMuirhead, NT-2012
Design and Construct 9 HousesDefence Housing AustraliaBellamack, NT-2012
Design and Construct 1 HouseDefence Housing AustraliaLyons, NT-2012
Design and Construct 11 HousesDefence Housing AustraliaBellamack, NT-2011
Design and Construct 23 HousesDefence Housing AustraliaJohnston, NT-2011
Design and Construct 7 HousesDefence Housing AustraliaBellamack, NT-2011
Southern Cross Care Stage 3, 15 Residential UnitsSouthern Cross Care (SA & NT)Fannie Bay, NT-2011
Design and Construct New School, Nemarluk School - MBA Award WinnerNT GovernmentNemarluk School - Alawa, NT-2011
Southern Cross Care Stage 2, 9 Residential UnitsSouthern Cross Care (SA & NT)Fannie Bay, NT-2011
Construct New and Refurbish Existing Science Labs, Casuarina Senior CollegeNT GovernmentCasuarina, NT-2011
Yarralin Police StationNT GovernmentYarralin, NT-2011
Construct Serviced Apartment Building - Quest ApartmentsQuest ApartmentsParap, NT-2010
Construct New Early Learning Centre, Wulagi Primary SchoolNT GovernmentWulagi, NT-2010
Design and Construct 18 HousesDefence Housing AustraliaLyons, NT-2010
Design and Construct 6 DuplexesDefence Housing AustraliaLyons, NT-2010
Design and Construct 15 HousesDefence Housing AustraliaBellamack, NT-2010
Design and Construct 8 DuplexesDefence Housing AustraliaLyons, NT-2010
Design and Construct 10 HousesDefence Housing AustraliaLyons, NT-2009
Design and Construct 25 HousesDefence Housing AustraliaLyons, NT-2009
Design and Construct 23 HousesDefence Housing AustraliaLyons, NT-2009
Design and Construct 14 HousesDefence Housing AustraliaLyons, NT-2009
Construct 12 Units at Tiwi Gardens Mews Retirement VillageMasonic HomesTiwi Gardens, NT-2009
Design and Construct 16 HousesDefence Housing AustraliaLyons, NT-2009
Design and Construct 20 HousesDefence Housing AustraliaLyons, NT-2008
Design and Construct 19 HousesDefence Housing AustraliaLyons, NT-2008
Design and Construct 6 HousesDefence Housing AustraliaMitchell Creek-2008
Design and Construct 12 Units with 1 Penthouse, Mauna Loa Units - Award WinnerPapadakis Nominees/Malmere P/LDarwin CBD, NT-2008
Construct New Office Building and Hangar, CSG HangarCSGMarrara, NT-2008
Darla (1): Design and Construct 10 HousesDefence Housing AustraliaRosebery, NT-2007
Darla (2): Design and Construct 10 HousesDefence Housing AustraliaRosebery, NT-2007
Design and Construct 15 HousesDefence Housing AustraliaLyons, NT-2007
Design and Construct 12 Units - Duke Street UnitsPapadakis Nominees/Malmere P/LStuart Park, NT-2006
Construct Southern Classroom Block, Alawa Primary School UpgradeNT GovernmentAlawa, NT-2005
Construct New Hospice, Royal Darwin Hospital NT GovernmentTiwi, NT-2004
Construct Compliance Works and Replacement Facilities, Hidden Valley Sports ComplexHidden Valley Sports ComplexBerrimah, NT-2004
Design and Construct Centrelink Records Management UnitAustralian GovernmentDarwin, NT-2003
Construct 4 Blockwork HousesNT GovernmentBagot Community - Ludmilla, NT-2003
Design, Construct and Fit-Out Office & Machinery WorkshopShorebaseDarwin, NT-2002


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